Purchase was quick and uncomplicated, many payment methods available and a very friendly customer Platinum. What`s not to like?
Matthieu P. Raillard (Feb,20/25)
5 / 5
I did two Platinum they got me in before the 2-3 days master loot very good communication will recommend
chris213 (Feb,20/25)
4 / 5
It was good but for me it took a lite bit to long to get the Platinum
JAYNE KAMEN (Feb,19/25)
5 / 5
Thanks so much i love dis page
Sprite Nevada (Feb,19/25)
5 / 5
The Platinum was slower than anticipated and I had to constantly get updates throughout the process. I had to request for an update to know if it was completed. Communication could be better but overall I am satisfied.